I recently discovered the following website:  https://choma.co.za/articles/338/the-importance-of-respecting-those-who-are-different-to-me , and after looking it over. 
I noticed how it made me feel.  I discovered that my thinking patterns (which you will learn more about in our Online Community Classes) had also changed.  I soon realized
 that my views on the topics below, had a "WAKE-UP-CALL" for me.   As I  had mistakenly took the behaviors of a few groups of people and made these people the focus
 of my attention.​

     In so doing, I inadvertently dismissed (for which I sincerely wish to apologize) all the wonderful people who have been, and still are sharing this planet with us.  To these people,
 I wish to acknowledge, and thank them for helping so many people by sacrificing their lives and oneness as depicted in this video - African-American Soldiers of the Revolutionary War  

  On the flip side of things there were two interesting articles From - 1861 and before which describes the African-Americans contributions in our history >>

     1)  https://www.njstatelib.org/research_library/new_jersey_resources/highlights/african_american_history_curriculum/  
     2)  https://www.history.com/news/black-heroes-us-civil-war-tubman-douglass-augusta-smalls-galloway 

With the people who are suffering with this pandemic crises, and other personal crises of their own. I applaud the ones who have volunteered their time and efforts by helping others
 in their time of need, now and in the years that have past.  For example >> Food Banks Lends a Helping   And in the news >> Drive Thru Food Bank   

     And let's Not Forget the Doctor's and Nurse's who have tirelessly helped so many people (and continue to help) Through This Pandemic >>  A Tribute To Our Covid-19 Heroes

       Now--if there is any person out there who is reading these pages and think that any part of these messages DO NOT apply to you...then, think again. There are more surprises 
ahead of you, so take a good look inside yourself, and see if you can discover  (from these examples)  any >>>Empathy  A Wise Lesson  or  Empathy in the Digital Age  or even this
 video >> Compassion In Action   There are also very heartwarming videos (too numerous to mention here, so be sure to check out as many as you can >> thai+good+stories   
 And be sure to save some Empathy and Compassion for yourself, as well.     

​     As you look around you and notice the ones "who don't quite look like you" or "act like you"...TAKE INTO ACCOUNT... they all seem to have the same loving, compassionate 
feelings - of respecting one another (for who they are). Take the Homeless Population (for example) - Do any of you know how each of these individuals became homeless to begin with? 
 How they ended up on the street?  Do we even care?  There are several reasons (as depicted in this video)  Why Individuals Become Homeless    I  also recently discovered one
 interesting website along with two videos: >>  #1)  The Neighborhood Center of West Volusia where these people try and find stable housing (among other services) and try to 
provide for the people in Orlando, FL.   #2) On U-Tube >> A New Way to Tackle Homelessness - by Alex Stephany.  And finally  On U-Tube >>> #3)  A Solution For Homelessness - 
Community Based Problem Solving.

     NOTE:  There is a website, which I have included here that YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER READING (to see if it applies to you in your day-to-day life)  It may help you deal with
 one of your challenges that you may be encountering right now -- It's called - "Anthropophobia" (or the fear of people and society).  Just click on the following link below>>

As we go about our daily lives, we may find it becoming quite difficult and find ourselves struggling, to become who we really are and want to be and what we were born
 to be, which is >> ONE TERRIFIC HUMAN BEING  (unfortunately, as it stands now, we are constantly judging and comparing ourselves to the people and things
 around us - And it doesn't make us very "Happy Campers".  We are constantly watching commercials on TV and we -- As a Society, are constantly comparing 
ourselves to those around us. (i.e. one person, animal, campaign, product,  one commercial is better than the other.)

   As depicted in these videos >>>  #1) Bravecto- (be sure to watch the video) --comparing 2 dogs - the dog on the left looks healthy, while the dog on the right does not 
  #2) U-Tube Political Ad (comparing 2 candidates)   #3)  BMW vs AUDI Ads   And finally #4) - The Best Laptop Brands  

​   Now let's talk about the following topics of Great Importance - which is Our >>(prejudice -type attitudes . Our>> stereotype- attitudes and  Our >> disliking and distrusting
 ourselves against ourselves and our fellow humans beings.

     Whenever we hold these three erroneous-type-thinking attitudes --the continuous thoughts we have been having "in our minds" (for many centuries) - the pre-judging 
attitudes and stereo-type attitudes and the "disliking of ourselves attitudes (on a daily basis) - (for our pre-judging attitudes, and our stereo-type attitudes)  These type attitudes 
contribute to our overall negative feelings about ourselves and each other. It defeats us (causes us to feel bad about ourselves inside)  It creates negative experiences to happen
 in our lives.

  For example:  The first video is about  >> On Disliking Ourselves  (be sure to read the "show More" at the end of the video)   The next video>> How To Deal With Trust Issues

   Then we have >> Prejudice and Discrimination -based on Race Ethnicity and Power  and finally >>  All That We Are  (Which we will be discussing this topic in our discussion class.)

As we continue to Not Challenge our thoughts (on a daily basis) with this type of thinking,  it can sometimes develop into a hatred-type feeling within ourselves and those around 
us. There are two videos I would like to share along these lines >>> One is - The Psychology of Hate    (be sure to read "show more" at the bottom of the video)  
The second video is >>The Secret Cause of Hate - by Teal Swan   

     Become aware of the people who you are pre-judging -- do you happen to see those same traits within you that you need to acknowledge and address? (We will be covering
this subject in our classes too.) 

  The concept with "self-hatred"...and "other-hatred" based on outward appearances that gets us into trouble ---not only with ourselves. but with others as well. There is an article 
I came across that proved quite interesting >> Psychology Today - Making Friends With Your Self-Loathing.                     

     (I don't know when it all began),but we have been having these pre-conceived ideas/ opinions / and attitudes (for decades and even before) which we have been directing
 towards ourselves as well as certain people based on their skin color, their appearance, their religion etc. (including the following link)>> https://www.verywellmind.com/
difference-between-race-and-ethnicity-5074205  and their affiliations within a particular group. 

  Recently, there has been a growing trend within our society, , (which puzzles me), and it is growing more and more violent each day whenever someone kills somebody 
or a few people. It ends up all over the news. We have been carrying around this "hatred-type behavior" (within ourselves and towards our fellow human beings --for centuries,
 as well as decades,  and it still continues to this day.   I recently came across this article >> https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-brain/201610/
humans-are-genetically-predisposed-kill-each-other. As we continue traveling down this lonely and desolate road of our own making - Not only do we mistreat ourselves 
.we mistreat our children, and animals as well.

  As we discussed on Page 1 regarding how we can use this ENERGY to ENHANCE AND BEAUTIFY OUR WORLD...or we can use this same energy to destroy...waste away or kill ourselves as depicted in this video >> Why Do People Commit Suicide  and from this article - https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/why-do-we-kill.html
  I think that what it all boils down to is this - We all have (unfortunately) somehow, somewhere Lost Our Humanity  for our love - our empathy - our oneness with ourselves 
and with each other.  We have also seemed to have lost our values - the difference between right and wrong.  It has to do with our consciousness. The following article explains - 
 What is Consciousness     There is an article, I'd like to share, it's called -  Losing Our Humanity

     We allow our friends and the other people around us to influence us and dictate to us how we are going to treat another human being or animal.  Are we going to go with the 
flow of "popular opinion"  or are we going to listen with Our HEARTS and decide to do what's right?  As I mentioned before - WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER 

                                                                                                    Continuing on Please turn to  Pages  3  -  1  -  2

  Important--Message For ALL-OF-US 
       for the Year 2022 And Beyond

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