All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-2019: Welcome to Community of   Disclaimer
 The word "Common-ality" - means something we all have "in common" with one the word 'Person-ality"  Each human being 
has a "Person-ality" - some express their personalities in ways that we like...some express their personalities in ways that we don't like..
.it doesn't change the fact that we all have personalities.

In math - when we talk about fractions - we have a numerator which is on top, and a denominator which is on the bottom. 

In this instance - the top half of the fraction is how an individual chooses to express him/herself... the bottom half of the fraction is
 the denominator, or the individual or person.

What is the common denominator here - what is it that we all have in common - Every one of us is a special... of a kind individual 
- a Human Being..

No matter how one chooses to "decorate" his or her form - the bottom line is that we all have individual talents, needs, deserve respect, want to
 be loved and wants to be given an opportunity to love.  Each one of us desire to be considered a part of the community.

Unfortunately,  there are some individuals (me included) who have decided (in our minds) to "label" other individuals by how they conduct themselves - 
making the "Numerator" seem more important than the "Denominator" - allowing the outward /behavior take precedence over how we are going to 
interact with this person. 

Take a look below you,  these people are a few of our Community Helpers, and each person is a one of a kind Human Being.

Common - alities

Now, what would happen if you took one person from each circle, and created a  Community of One  - where each person used the talents and gifts that were inside him/her and used those gifts for the benefit and well-being of everyone within that community. - JUST PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE - each person sharing, loving, laughing, bonding and encouraging one another...  Just take a look at our community helpers above -  Each person expressing - Random Acts of Kindness - and finding ways to - 

                                                               Join H.A.N.D.s and LOVE NICE 

Paul, Hank, Sam
Jon & Dave
​                   Welcome To
       O M M N I T Y   OF  ONE
      A Model-Type Virtual Community

 A Place Where We Include Everyone
             and Exclude No One