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Take a look around you, there have been many "teachers" along the way who have passed Love onto us in their own unique way. Take God for example, (the Universe) He/She expresses Him/ Herself through the variety of people, animals and nature that is all around you -......Consider how God expresses Him/Herself through you, your pets, your children, your friends. - Remember - Each and every one of you... is a wonderful Human Being.

God has chosen to express Him/Herself through you... through the loving care you give to your children, your pets, your flower garden, through your creative expressions, at the place where you work and live..... in your kindness you bestow upon others. Be proud of that.
You are all so G R E A T.

(God... the Universe) has chosen to express Him/Herself through a variety of other individuals, as well - Martin Luther King Jr., the Kennedy's, Jim Henson (Sesame Street Characters); Singers - the Beatles, Barry Manilow, Faith Hill;....Poets - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Plato, Emerson;.... Speakers - Dr. Wayne Dyer. Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln,
and many others.

  This Great Energy that is all around us, who created this vast, and marvelous world we live in... the people on the street, those close to us, have tried to teach us....have tried to share with us the same message Cosmic Sans IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVING ONE ANOTHER - TAKING CARE OF AND LOOKING OUT FOR EACH OTHER - WE ARE ALL UNITED - (in a variety of forms, i.e. - Human Beings, Nature, Animals) - .

With all the wonderful things that are going on in the world...just think about it... - there is really nothing at all to fear. You may want to consider this... Change the "F" to an "H", (changing the word to "Hear" - and get quiet and listen to the inner voice inside you), then focus on the 'PEACE" you would like to FEEL instead...... Just a thought... .

I purchased a Self-Esteem cassette tape, a while back, and on it the author talked about "Self-Acceptance" and "Fear" - He said that when you learn to accept yourself... and not be in an adversary relationship with yourself, (by 'condeming' or feeling ashamed of yourself).....That by taking a good look at yourself in the mirror - and "accepting the fact, that the face and the body in the mirror, are your face and body..." you begin to start loving yourself for who you really are.


When you learn to accept fear....the key word here, is...... ACCEPTANCE.... ..., you stop seeing it as a catastrophe; it stops being your stop being tortured by fantasies that bear little or no relation to reality. You then are able to free yourself... to see people and situations as they really are, and then you can move on from there....To enjoy life and the people around you.

*Note - If you want the VIOLENCE to STOP - then STOP TALKING ABOUT IT...cease making it the focus of your attention..... in your daily conversations. (i.e. in your advertisements, in your "top news stories of the day", etc. I am not saying that it is all bad...just take a look and see if there is another way you can present the same messages without "attacking" someone, or finding "fault" with someone.)

If you want to see, feel less CRIMES in your streets and in your homes - then surrender to it. Render a service to a hurting individual and a dying community.

The word CRIME - breaks down to "CRI-ME" ------ look around you, the people around you are crying out for help..........


    Welcome To
A Model-Type Virtual Community

A  Place Where We Include Everyone

           and Exclude No One

​Take  A  Look  Around  You