Important--Message For ALL-OF-US 
       for the Year 2022 And Beyond

                        Pages 3-4- 2 -1
​     Not only do we have these horrendous, inhumane, thoughtless  ACTS OF VIOLENCE (i.e. countless rapes, murders, gun killings, and slaughtering of innocent and beautiful animals...these acts of inhumanity seem to go on for no other reason than:

     1)  OUR OWN UPBRINGING - How we were raised?  Where did our own formed attitudes about ourselves and the other people around us come from while we were growing up?...We apparently learned/acquired these concepts/ideas from the people we knew--our parents, our relatives, or whomever raised us... perhaps we ended up in a foster home, or a shelter, or maybe we ended up being homeless and having to live on the streets.  The SOCIAL NORMS of SOCIETY dictate how we interact with the world and people around us.

​     2)  Our not taking responsibility for the THOUGHTS we think (consciously or subconsciously) especially -  OUR OWN FEELINGS, and OUR OVERALL ACTIONS, when we commit an ACT OF VIOLENCE against someone.  We refuse to acknowledge the ongoing acts of violence as mentioned in our
 Challenges -1 Page.

   3)  "We Don't Want to Get Involved" and/or "Let Someone Else Do It" this phrase is known as the  Bystander Effect.  

   4)  We have this ongoing  "hatred" inside of us -- (hatred which may sometimes be due to lack of communication or lack of trust towards ourselves or between 
two or more people.  A misunderstanding or a failure of some kind,  In this particular instance -. a particular person who doesn't "look like us"..."act like us" or even "thinks like us" we, as an individual of society has the inclination to "hate" someone we know or don't even know, based solely on outward appearances.       

     Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, these events that we have either witnessed inside of our homes (from our own personal histories), or outside
 on the streets, or even in our own neighborhoods - even while watching television or going to a movie that exploits violent-type behavior - this type of exposure
 takes a heavy toll on our lives. 

     It not only affects our thinking patterns, our sleeping habits, our relationships and interactions with ourselves and each other,  This type of exposure prevents 
us from thinking and behaving, not only with ourselves but others as well in a more positive, uplifting way. This type of exposure also prevents us from having 
feelings of compassion and empathy towards ourselves and towards one another.

     This journey that we all are on begins with YOU    If you choose to refuse to LOVE and RESPECT YOURSELF FIRST, then you will be unable to even imagine
 what another person is feeling, or thinking,  or where another person is coming from (what are the circumstances he/she finds himself/herself in). 
  When you consider "putting yourself in another person's shoes" as the narrator Mwenesi explains in this video >>>Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes

     When we discover (in our minds) that we can't stand to be around another person (including ourselves), one who doesn't "look like us", "acts like us", or even 
"thinks like us"...we end up hating and despising ourselves for behaving this way (when someone points out our misbehavior) that it repulses us (we find it difficult 
to eat...let alone sleep).and out of sheer acts of violence, we lash out towards certain people (with real or imaginary thoughts or behaviors) which run our lives and dictate our thoughts.

     Not too long after these Green-Eyed-Monsters arrived, we began "chanting" and "singing the phrases" WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER 
 Then, (without even even thinking about what we are doing, (because we were so used to carrying around this attitude within us - (sub-consciously) 
 with our very next step that we take is to walk around this individual (who is right in front of us) - asking us for some small bit of change that we can spare - 
and we abruptly make a 360* turn and completely dismiss him or her - so (what) we can get on with our day?  (We don't even have the time to interact with this
 individual, because we have more important things on our mind to think or worry about?)

                                                                          << I Have One Question FOR ALL OF YOU >>

​                                                      <<WHAT-IN-THE-HELL-ARE-WE-ALL-SO-DAMNED-AFRAID-OF? >>

​     There is a person named Brian Clark, who wrote a blog on Fear - called >> Is Fear or F.E.A.R Holding Us Back?   NOTE: We All Have To STOP  ALLOWING
 F.E.A.R -TO-RUN - OUR - LIVES. F.E.A.R is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.    There is no true threat of any immediate physical danger, no threat
of a loss of someone or something dear to us.    Actually there is nothing to be  AFRAID OF >> FEAR is an ILLUSION - something fabricated in our own minds by pretending that it is real. Hear is a video on >> Why Fear Is an Illusion by Connor Beaton    Another one is by Will Smith's Inspirational Video About Fear

     We have conjured up these unimaginable scenarios in our minds that we don't know who or what to believe anymore.  We spread these untruths -- rumors
 around to anyone who would listen.  (i.e. "these so-called stories about how black people, or even the gay people, Jewish people, Mexicans -the people who don't look like us or even act like us .- who live in these poor neighborhoods, and are "not of our kind" and use this as an excuse to react in our "old" way of being/acting/ thinking toward these individuals who live in these "horrible conditions".  

     We end up resorting to violence, by disrespecting and dehumanizing and killing people (no matter who they are - or where they're from). .because this is all we
 know?  Because - this is the way we have always behaved towards ourselves and each other?  And also, because we have learned throughout the years (from our parents, our peers, and society as a whole) that this is how we are "supposed to act"?  To treat and react to someone who doesn't quite "look like us "to treat them with "dis-respect" by "degrading" them?  In our minds, we tell ourselves "this individual doesn't quite measure up to my way of thinking"  (dressing, speaking, or acting like me and my friends) So we will treat and act towards (him or her) anyway we please (in a inhumanely or horrendous way. .Because there is no one around to stop us"? 


    Whenever we behave in this manner - (really contemplate on this  - look deep inside) how does it make us Feel  inside?  Whenever  we or someone behaves 
 in any kind of disrespectful way towards another human being or animal - without considering the discomfort and pain that this individual or animal goes through >>this is an act against Humanity (which we are all a part of).  Even the government keeps prisoners in deplorable conditions.

     According to Paul Ekman's Article - What is Contempt    This contemptuous behavior of ours has become so ingrained in us that we end up reacting to any given 
 situation in a negative and violent way. When we ought to respond in a more positive-holistic-humane way.  Whether we are aware of it or not -not only do we treat ourselves this way, we treat anyone who crosses our path.  Whenever we revert back to our "old ways" of thinking. behaving, and acting towards ourselves and others - choosing to think, behave and act - refusing to "change our ways", then these -- Invisible Green-Eyed Monsters --WILL KEEP COMING BACK.

​      We all need a place to start. It begins with starting with ourselves FIRST... LOVE and ACCEPT OURSELVES for who we truly are on the inside and become 
 ONE WITH OURSELVES >> (this includes our Shadow-Selves as well) - which is lurking inside of us. - {as this website will explain} What the Shadow Self Is   (please don't be alarmed, it is something each one of us goes through -- ( it will be explained in our Online Community Classes).

         We all need to Find A Way To Do What It Takes In Order To - BELIEVE IN OURSELVES,-- STAND UP FOR OURSELVES and OUR NEIGHBORS. 

        We Need To "Honor Our Beliefs", and the Decisions that we make ( FEEL- WITH OUR HEARTS--{We need to do what is needed to be done}-- RIGHT NOW 


        SPEAK UP whenever you see an injustice being done. (not only to another Human Being, but an animal as well).

   I CHALLENGE EACH AND EVERYONE OF US >>LET US BEGIN ANEW >>Let's start responding to our fellow human beings, (and to our animals as  well)
   to SHOW & GIVE Love, Understanding, Peace, Empathy and Compassion.  As shown in these two heart-warming videos >>

                                                       Because of her kindness, a young woman was able to change a person's life 

     And another heart-warming video story >>>How Animals and Humans Working Together Save a Baby Elephant's Life 

      TAKE A CHANCE...INVEST IN YOURSELF  SIGN UP and JOIN OUR >> Focus On Loving Yourself Today classes.   you will soon begin to notice a warm, loving
 feeling deep within you that you were not aware of before.

​ Through our classes. seminars, exercises, and work- shops you will begin believing in yourself, appreciating yourself, and accepting yourself for once, in your life.
 Be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished thus far (big or small)  I would like to give you two video examples from our classes: 

     1) Powerful Ways to Love Yourself - (Be sure to read the section below - "Show More") and 
     2) Reclaim Your Self Worth

              HOW IT IS GUIDING YOU >>>

                                     >>>BELIEVE and ACCEPT YOURSELF>>>BELIEVE and ACCEPT YOUR FEELINGS >>> TRUST YOURSELF

                                                                                    >>TRUST YOUR INTUITION (IT IS VERY POWERFUL)>>

                                                  >> YOUR GREATEST RESPONSIBILITY IS -TO LOVE YOURSELF & KNOW YOU ARE ENOUGH <<<


​                             On the lighter side of things (before we get into the heavier topics below): Here are a few videos I thought you might enjoy >>

  ​                                1) Best Animal Friendships  
                                2) Where Captive Animals are Set Free
                                3) Tiger, Bear, and Bear Live Together  (Be sure to read "Show More" below the video)
                                4)  Understanding How Birds Can Improve Our Lives 

When you discover what "WELCOME TO COMMUNITY OF ONE" is really all about, you will expand, evolve and learn what it means to be a BEAUTIFUL,
 WONDERFULCOURAGEOUS, CREATIVE & UNIQUE HUMAN BEING. You will soon feel the joy of what it means to join others in the awesomeness 
of "People Helping People" and you will gain the experience of what it means to   "JOIN-HANDS-&-LOVE-NICE"  (BTW the words "Love-Nice" >>
are the re-arranged letters of the word Violence.

      All of us need to look within our hearts and souls, and take a good look inside ourselves and look all around us and make A COMMITMENT,
 MAKE A CONSCIOUS EFFORT  and TO GET INVOLVED (not only with ourselves), but with all our fellow Human Beings, and Animals as well.
    Here is a video created by Prince EA >>>Dear Future Generations

     If we are ever going to make it in this world of ours, we need to begin LOVING OURSELVES and EACH OTHER and start looking at ourselves and each other
  as UniqueCreativeEmpathic and Caring Human Beings. All of us (each and everyone of us) need to look around and take some responsibility for ourselves -
 All of us need to wean away from the HATRED-TYPE ATTITUDES towards ourselves and our fellow Human Beings and begin LOVING OURSELVES and

     Then we can expand outward and share that oneness with ourselves and each other... In our communities >> In our neighborhoods) - Every Human Being and
  all the animals who live among us -(which we are all a part of). possess the qualities and characteristics which form the foundation of all other human qualities of


​                                   <<<ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT >> DOES NOT RESEMBLE A "SPIRITUAL - TYPE" HUMAN BEING>>>





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