Important--Message For ALL-OF-US 
       for the Year 2022 And Beyond

                        Pages  4-3-2-1
I decided to include this last bit of IMPORTANT INFORMATION that you need to PAY ATTENTION TO:
​ There are numerous songs that the late Michael Jackson Wrote, Produced, Sang and Created videos that we should  ALL  REALLY LISTEN TO, and PAY

 #1 - "THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US" <<< (video song)- watch the very beginning of the video before the video begins - (the words, "picturalizes the (brutality) and Injustices of all MANKIND" (humans and animals alike) Then, there is an added note - ("may GOD grant us PEACE THROUGHOUT the world") - is this what we have come to? I think that the pictures says it all. (M.J. recorded pics that displayed what "police" and how other people "mistreat" each other. (as in the beginning where the children are singing - one child even said it "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH")


#2 -  MAN IN THE MIRROR <<<(song)    U-TUBE LYRICS >>> - MAN-IN-THE-MIRROR  This knowledge of who you really are, and believe yourself to be 
                                                                                                                                               should take precedence over #3.

#3 - BLACK OR WHITE - <<<song) -    U-TUBE LYRICS >>> BLACK OR WHITE  as he states in his song - "It doesn't matter if you're BLACK or WHITE

#4 -   EARTH SONG  <<<song)      U-TUBE LYRICS >>> EARTH SONG - I think M.J. wrote this as a wake-up call - "people wake up and see what you all                                                                                                                               have been doing to yourselves, each other and the animals and plants in this                                                                                                                                 "Beautiful World of Ours".

 - EARTH SONG <<< (song) - M. J.'s LAST SONG & MESSAGE - "

"I respect the secrets and magic of nature. That's why it makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening, that every second, I hear, the size of a football field is torn down in the Amazon. I mean, that kind of stuff really bothers me. That's why I write these kinds of songs, you know. It gives some sense of awareness and awakening and hope to people. I love the Planet, I love the trees. I have this thing for trees - the colors and changing of leaves. I love it. I respect those kind of things. I really feel that nature is trying so hard to compensate for man's mismanagement of the planet. Because the planet is sick, like a fever. If we don't fix it now, it's at the point of no return. This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have, where it's like a runway train. And the times has come, This Is It. People are always saying,' They'll take care of it. The government'--Don't worry, they'll--' 'They' who?    Or else it'll never be done... We have four years to get it right. After that it would be irreversible.           Let's take care of the planet." - Michael Jackson, 2009

​#5 - HEAL - THE - WORLD <<<(song)     Lyrics)>>>  HEAL THE WORLD​  +  WE - ARE - THE - WORLD (song)       Lyrics)>>>  WE ARE THE WORLD
          M.J. 1992                                                                M.J. 1992                       1985 M.J. & Lionel Richie                               1985 M.J. & Lionel Richie 

Being that if we,  WE AS ONE - COME TOGETHER-"AS ONE" - "COLLECTIVELY" we can then >>> "Heal the World" - and everything in it. BUT WE MUST FIRST HEAL OURSELVES (INDIVIDUALLY, FIRST). Then, there will come a time when we will become "awakened" waking up from sleep and become "aware" - to come to the "realization" that "WE (EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US) - ARE "A LIVING/BREATHING ORGANISM " And according to Google

​                                                                                  What is a simple definition of what an organism is?

An organism is an individual form of life that is capable of growing and reproducing, and have one or more cells. Animals, plants and bacterium are all organisms. Inside the body, organelles or organs work together to sustain life.

  From the smallest insect, to the tallest tree (thereby) being that Human Beings are in the midst of it all, including all the marine life in the oceans,
  and the wild life on the planet plus all the plants and vegetations that are grown around the planet. In essence - "WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"
 the "Life-Sustaining-Nourishment" we need to live and thrive in this beautiful world of ours. As explained in these 2 articles: Nourish Yourself w/Self Love,
​ There are other ways you can nourish yourself, as this article explains - 8 simple Ways You Can Nourish Yourself 

  So. please, don't turn your back on one another, because, in a sense you are turning your backs on yourself.  Telling yourself and others that you and "they" are "INSIGNIFICANT"....THAT YOU and "THEY" DON'T MATTER.  EVERYONE MATTERS...EVERYONE IS SIGNIFICANT. 

  I don't think that in this WHOLE UNVERSE (which God created), that He would have created ANY LIVING ORGANISM for the purpose of being "insignificant".  Each and Everyone of you are Great  <<< JUST AS YOU ARE. >>> USE THE POWER OF YOUR MIND TO CREATE BEAUTIFUL and AWE- SOME FRIENDSHIPS / RELATIONSHIPS in your life.  USE YOUR MIND TO HELP THOSE AROUND YOU.

​                                                  PLEASE DON'T DESTROY WHAT GOD HAS CREATED >>>

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