Our Sanctuary -  Positive-Uplifting Movies

We wish to welcome you to Our Community Sanctuary.  We would like to give you a rest from all the strife, and unrest that has been plagueing our communities - over the years & decades.

*Note, In order to see the movie below,  please click on the "title" link below, instead of the "red" button on the picture - as the video doesn't quite always load correctly.
Also, to watch more "Positive-Uplifting Movies" - there will be a list in the Sanctuary Office

So, once a week, we will be playing movies that will speak to your hearts and souls, and give you a reason to uplift yourselves and each other - once more.

                             So Sit Back.... Relax....and....Enjoy the Movie

As soon as the timer to this video reaches - 1:33:31 (unless you want to read the credits at the end - to EXIT simply click on the same square in the lower right hand corner. then - to return to this page, click on the back button on your browser.

If you haven't as yet had a chancs to visit Our Visitor's Center and have taken Our Tour, click HERE.

Then when you return to Our Sanctuary (at a later time)...the EXIT button below will make a lot more sense.
      You will need these 
      to hear the videos.

 Please "turn-off" any music you may be listening to,(in the background),
so you can "Hear" and "Experience" the full effects of the video below.

           Thank You & E-n-j-o-y

On any of the U-Tube Videos, in order to view it "Full Screen"... just click the square in the lower right hand corner of the screen.  To "Exit", just click on the same square in the lower right hand corner, 

​                   Welcome To
       O M M N I T Y   OF  ONE
      A Model-Type Virtual Community

 A Place Where We Include Everyone
             and Exclude No One