This site was created by B.J. Tatum -- 2023
I Would Like To Tell You a Little Bit About Our History
and How Our Community Came To Be ...>>>
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So, the next time you are "thinking about" "scamming", taking advantage of, mistreating or abusing another's --
"LIVING SPIRIT" - in whatever form (be it human or animal or even this planet of ours) "THINK ABOUT >>>
"HOW" YOUR ACTIONS ARE AFFECTING YOU (deep within) (including everyone else around you) - Then ask yourself "Was it worth it? ..Had it made ME FEEL any better about myself in the long run? ..What did I GAIN by my..."THOUGHTLESS ACTIONS?"
Once upon a time - a group of people (much like yourself and I) --came together and decided amongst ourselves, that we had..had enough
of all the fighting, arguing and violent-type behavior against humanity and the animal kingdom at large - which had been going on for ions... decades...and centuries and unfortunately, (by the way) has been continuing, even to this day - in our communities and all across the world.
As time went on...little-by-little... people began posting positive and encouraging articles and videos across the internet, in hopes it would eleviate much of the suffering and turmoil that has plaqued our land.
But alas...there have been others (through "no fault" of their own) who have "thought it cool" to take unfair advantage of our unique individ- uals.. (through thoughtless, and insensitive acts of behavior) and "unfortunately", it has gotten worse. Over the past and most recent years, people have taken on "creative" ways to "SCAM" and "MISTREAT" others - including themselves ("unbeknownest" to invarible falls back in their laps in one form or another.)
NOTE >> To the "Scammers" and "Abusers" out there...After you have "inhumanely" abused someone else (including our animals - wild and domestic)- (in whatever form or "ACT OF VIOLENCE - that caught your fancy) Did it make YOU FEEL any better about YOURSELF INSIDE?
Which brings me to this next point >>> While I was scrolling through the internet, I found this bit of significant information regarding how people treat themselves and each other, (not to mention - mistreating the BEAUTIFUL...MAGNIFICANT...HUMANS (ages 0-100), as well as the animals that have graced our planet.
As you are going about your day... I would like for you to -- THINK ABOUT ... MEDITATE, and REFLECT ON the messages below >>>
Thank You >>> Have A Beautiful Day.
We will now return you to Our Community
Sanctuary Page (just click on Sally's image to your left.
Welcome To
A Model-Type Virtual Community
A Place Where We Include Everyone
and Exclude No One