All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-2012-2016: Welcome to Community of   Disclaimer

​For those of you who are new to Our Community Sanctuary,...we just want to set your mind at ease. Namely, "This Is Not a "Religious Site." It is more of a "Spiritual" site, where we assist those in need (whoever they are) with whatever challenges they may be facing at the moment. We welcome all Humans to our sanctuary in which we are all a part of.   

  <<< As you glance to your left ... you will find variety of rooms that may be of interest to you .
The Serenity Room -- where you can just sit back, relax, and allow the tensions of the day
 melt away... as you surrender to the peace & tranquility you will feel, as you listen to the
 music that is playing there.

  We also have a room where we will be showing "Community-Feel-Good-Movies", that we think you will enjoy.  Lastly... we have "Guest Speakers" frequent us from time to time via
 the internet.

                                       I would like to end todays message with this thought...

May You Experience All The Love... Joys...Peace...-& ... Oneness That You Find Within 
 Yourself...And All Around You. - (in the the marvelous ...majestic, and unique animals...insects...fishes. )...and above all the Wonderful... Precious. Talented and Unique Individuals who Share Your Life with You.

 For those of you who may need my assistance of any kind, you can contact our secretary - Myrtle in the Community-Sanctuary-Office.  

 Thank You. 
                                                                        Pastor John
 Hello Friends
 My name is 
Pastor John

Our Community Sanctuary

   I wish to thank God, and all the Guardian Angels and Guides out there - of which "none of this" Loving -
  Creative Energy would have been possible if it weren't for their guidance, and protection.

  I also would wish to convey my thanks and appreciation to all the (not so "ordinary" people out there...)
 the mothers... ...fathers...aunts. Uncles...sisters...brothers, etc.   As well as our "professionals" - physicians...  doctors...surgeons... nurses', enforcement officers.... counselors...therapists...ministers, 
painters and electricians, etc. 

              All of whom have given their time, energy, and expertise to give service to everyone concerned.

 There a large array of are artists, composers, writers, creators, etc. past and present, who have created 
 through their music and inspirational messages (with their blogs, and articles) the importance of LOVE 
and of Coming Together --- AS ONE. >>>

"Everything in Nature is connected by the delicate strands of the web of life...We are not separated from Nature...every response that we give, every action that we take >>> affects every other living energy force that is on the planet.".    (Magi Lune)

  • In Our Comfort Room  you will find comfort in
           your hour of need;

  • In Our Serenity Room there is a place (in the
           comfort of your own  surroundings)  where you
           can sit back and relax after a challenging day

  • In Our Inspirations Room we post favorite in-
           spiring words that​ people have sent in to us.

  • On Our Words of Wisdom  pages, you will find
            and perhaps think about what has been written

           Our This Weeks Message Page - we display "in-
            spirational" videos of various speakers who share
            their messages for all of us to think about.​

  • In Our Sanctuary - we show some "Positive-Up-
           lifting -Movies, that will make you feel better about
           yourselves and the world around you.

         In Our Church Office is the place where you can              contact us should  there be anything you need, and/          or share with us any words of wisdom or inspirational          messages you may wish to share, so we can post
        them here in Our Sanctuary for others to read.

Sanctuary Descriptions
                  <<< FIRST TIME VISITORS >>>

If this is your first time visiting Our reach   
 Rosie's Home, just click Here, and you will arrive at her

​                   Welcome To
       O M M N I T Y   OF  ONE
      A Model-Type Virtual Community

 A Place Where We Include Everyone
             and Exclude No One
My name is
Pastor John
          <<< FIRST TIME VISITORS >>>

 - AT THE >>>

                Community Visitor's Center