Hello, My name
is Marissa.
I am one of the
Volunteer Coordinators
Community Volunteer Center.
All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-2012-2016 Welcome to Community of One.com Disclaimer
This is Michelle, she is one of our Staff Volunteers here at the center.
At this particular center you will find:
- A volunteer match link where you can find opportunities in your area;
- A chance for you to create your own volunteer services;
We will be displaying from our U-Tube Channel (below)- 5 separate videos
of how Humans and Animals come together (in the spirit of oneness) and
work out a sense of camaraderie between one another.
Below you will find some of the U-Tube Videos.
If you need any kind of assistance, Marissa and Michelle will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Just click on the link below, and they will be in
contact with you as soon as we can.
Thank You ........ Enjoy The Rest of Your Day
- Incredible Animals Who Help Each Other
- Animals Asking Humans to Help in Time of Need
- Humans Being Rescued by Animals in a
Trying Situation
- Simply Bonding with One Another -
HUMANS HELPING HUMANS (via Random Acts of Kindness)
To return to Our Community Park
click on the image above. >>>
Welcome To
A Model-Type Virtual Community
A Place Where We Include Everyone
and Exclude No One