​                          Welcome To Our

At our Town Hall, you will find win/win type solutions, our weblog, our town hall forum,neighborhood resources, and more.
All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-10-2012-2016:Welcome to Community of One.com   Disclaimer

      Below, you will find Five of Our Community Centers that will                                  enhance your evening pleasure.

​    Explore The Wonders
          of the Universe
Good Night
​​#1    We have a Community Library for those of you who wish to catch up on your reading. We also have music          selections your favorite composers that you can listen to. (in our music room).

#2    We have a Community Town Hall with weekly meetings that you can attend, - in the daytime, as well as              at night.

​#3  We have a Community Restaurant, should you wish to have a leisurely dinner (by yourself, or with your
      significant other) - for your dining pleasure.  We also have provided entertainment (comedy, magic acts,              music, links and resources that you can check out.

                                                 (Hrs of Operation are from 5:00p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
#4  Then, if you wish to watch a movie (in the evening),  just click on our Movie Theatre Bldg., Inside, you will
       find a list of movies that are currently being played in the auditorium.  We have an attentive "usher" who will           escort you to your seat - (if you prefer).

#5  There is a Special U-Tube Video called - "Explore The Wonders Of The Universe". (which we will be updating
Note:  Should you have any requests, feedback, or comments you wish to share -                 there is a form you can fill out in any of the centers #1-5 - below.  Before you
           retire for the evening, there are 2 links at the bottom, that will complete your

                                               ENJOY -- YOUR -- EVENING