We have provided some U-Tube videos on the following topics below - that involves "People-Helping-People" in numerous "Random-Acts-of-Kindness Acts", that includes people as well as animals - assisting one another in 
their Moment-Of-Need".
  We encourage you to email us -- sending us your incredible and heart-warming pictures, articles, and news stories, letting us know how you participated in any "Random Acts of Kindness Act or how someone helped you out in your "Time Of Need" >> how an animal rescued you in a trying situation...or how you were able to assist an animal in their trying situation...and so forth.

​                   Welcome To
       O M M N I T Y   OF  ONE
      A Model-Type Virtual Community

 A Place Where We Include Everyone
             and Exclude No One
  • Humans Helping Humans (aka Random Acts of Kindness)
  • Some Incredible Animals Who Help Each Other
  • Animals Asking Humans to Help in Time of Need
  • Humans Being Rescued by Animals in a Trying Situation
  • Simply Bonding with One Another - Human To Animal and visa-versa >>>