​  Welcome to Our Tranquil & Peaceful Park.  Up ahead, on the next page, we have our student, Dave, who is            holding a list of the links and their descriptions of all the places you may wish to visit in our town.

  Then, to your right >>> we have our "Student Assistant" - Sally, who will escort you to  a  very quiet and relax-
   ing place, where you can just sit back...put your feet up, and enjoy the day.

 Before you go through the gate...there will be instructions at the link below, so the videos will make more sense. 

 Just click on the following link >> https://welcometocommunityofone.homestead.com/~local/~Preview/
                                                      HAVE- A-BEAUTIFUL-DAY---instructions.html?_=1717801463937

NOTE ** We have a "Special Message" we would like to share with you -                 just click on Sally's image below. >>>

All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-2012-2016: Welcome to Community of One.com   Disclaimer
E-N-J-O-Y >> Y-O-U-R >>D-A-Y
​                   Welcome To
       O M M N I T Y   OF  ONE
      A Model-Type Virtual Community

 A Place Where We Include Everyone
             and Exclude No One
​       *** E N J O Y ***
Have A Beautiful Day
​To listen to the video above...
 follow these "Instructions" 
 Upon reading the  HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY
 <<< ("Instructions" - below and to your left)

You can then "enter" through the gate above, 
 OR click on Our Student Assistant - Sally, and she will take you to the next page.
​       *** E N J O Y ***