All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-2012-2016: Welcome to Community of   Disclaimer

                                                   Hello...My name is Betty Jo (aka B.J.) 


       I wish to commend all of you who have decided to take a chance and avail yourself of the
       wonderful opportunities you will gain, as you become acquainted with Our Community and
       what it has to offer.

     In the near future, I will be adding a U-Tube Channel, /Blog telling you a little bit more about
     myself... what I have learned and the wisdom I have gained, while living on this "wonderful" 
     planet of ours, (including the people who live here) I plan on displaying some beautiful pic-
     tures(also taken from the U-Tube Channel,) along with some inspirational and "motivational"               quotes / messages --in order to uplift and bring a sense of calmness to all the people who 
    live in the community.

                                  <<< I would like to leave you with these few words >>>
              As You Go Through All of Life's Challenges..

.                                                                                                      <<< LOVE YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU TRULY ARE >>>

                        <<< TRUST IN THE  PROCESS >>>


​                            <<< ENJOY THE JOURNEY >>>

 To Return To The Tranquil & Peaceful Park. click on the picture below. >>>
E-N-J-O-Y >> Y-O-U-R >>D-A-Y
​                   Welcome To
       O M M N I T Y   OF  ONE
      A Model-Type Virtual Community

 A Place Where We Include Everyone
             and Exclude No One