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​​Have you ever (taken the time) to take a REALLY Good-Hard-Look-At-Yourself - (in the mirror), and took a minute to accept that the Face and Body (that was looking back at you - (in actuality) WAS -- YOUR FACE & BODY.  . <<<BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE >>>   -- There is NOT ANOTHER ONE LIKE YOU  >>>

                                                                             .YOU ARE A  MAGNIFICENT HUMAN   <<< BEING ALL THAT YOU CAN BE >>>

This UNIQUE HUMAN, (staring back at you >>which you refer to as "Yourself") -- was created by this   LOVING...UNIVERSAL..."LIFE - GIVING" -- "FORCE OF ENERGY" (some of us refer to Him/Her as GOD or the SOURCE) ---who took time out from HIS / HER busy-day) to CREATE YOU and ME, and every- thing else you see in the world around you....


Here at our community, we have a Community College - as well as a Community University (which you will discover later on in the program) 
 We will be having classes that revolve around the importance of really getting in touch with yourself - (your True Feelings that are deep within you).

 We will assist you in learning all the ins & outs of what it means to love, respect, forgive, and take care of yourself in a positive uplifting, nurturing, and           fulfilling way.    As part of our curriculum, we have a few meditation and mindfulness classes that we think you will enjoy  ( both beginner and advanced).

​After you have gone through the classes... and are feeling much better about yourself and the world around you, we will be having a short "Graduation Party" which you are welcome to attend ....  Then you will be able to enter into the next phase of your journey .....

                                                                                     <<<"Welcome-To-Community-of One">>>

.  At this community, you will meet some incredible and amazing people along the way, who can assist you on your journey, as you continue to learn more about yourself and the world in which you live.   You will find a variety of videos of Humans Helping Humans (aka Random Acts of Kindness)
 We also have some incredible videos of  animals who help each other, and "us-humans" - out of the sheer joy of joining together- in the "Spirit of Kindness" and Oneness...  animals asking humans for help them in a time of need...animals helping other animals during times of stress ..humans being rescued by animals in a trying situation, and simply bonding with one another -human to human.. animal to animal and visa-versa. 

     This is my outtake for this afternoon...

           Have A Wonderful Day
For those of you, who have arrived here from
​        Our Community Classroom >>>

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          *** YOU ARE A  -- LOVING -- 



    UNIQUE-  *** I N D I V I D U A L ***

           There is NOT Another One
          Like You in the Whole World
For those of you, who have arrived here from
​        Our Town Hall Speaker's Page >>>

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    Welcome To
A Model-Type Virtual Community

A Place Where We Include Everyone
And Exclude No One