All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2012:-2016 Welcome to Community of Disclaimer
Just e-mail me at the address below,
and I will respond to you promptly
This is Mrytle -
Our Tour Guide
Visitor's Center
Welcome To
A Model-Type Virtual Community
A Place Where We Include Everyone
and Exclude No One
We have several unique community centers here, that we think you will enjoy.
I will be happy to send you a brochure, describing what we have to offer with some tips
and suggestions to assist you in whatever challenges you may be facing. We also have a "Unique Community Guide Booklet" that gives you, the history of our town, plus a brief expla- nation of what each center entails.
At any time, should you have any questions, about any of our community centers, or any-thing else you would like to know, please feel free to ask any of our staff members, and
they will assist you with whatever you need.
Be sure to visit Our Membership Office (above) and someone will assist you.
Note: If for any reason...for those of you who wish to take the tour on Mrytle above, and she will be more than happy to repeat the tour for you.
<<< Thank You and Enjoy Your Tour >>>
If you wish to "EXIT", then click on our "Visitors Center" picture in the upper left-hand corner.