*****This Website was created with Homestead Sitebuilder / B.J. Tatum  2004 & 2023 ******
             <<<  Just beyond the pathway below ... you will find an Exciting Town Filled With                         Love..... Peace ....Beautiful & Interesting People.... as well as Wisdom &

                          Take a Chance and Immerse Yourself in the Pathway Before You......

                                                 <<< Are you ready ...?   Lets Go >>>.

                                             <<< Just  "Click on the Light Below >>>

               If You Are Looking For a Site Called  <<<   Welcome To C O M M U N T Y  O F  O N E

                                                      You Have Come To The Right Place..

     I  recently discovered that, (for me) -  just wanting to create and re-name a "new website" based on my pre-
     vious site (above),  I needed to "start over from scratch".   I found that all of the pages --  I had been creat-
     ing (up to this point) had been included into my original -

                                                  "Welcome-To-Community-Of-One" (sitebuilder site). 

    So, I decided, I would have to create something new, that would eventually...lead up to the "Welcome To" site .. 
   (a site that I had created in 2004).  So, I added a new "domain name" to my original site and called it ---

​                                                           "Welcome To Our Town.net"

   To continue on with the pages (within this new domain), ***which I am sure you will enjoy and benefit from ***           just click on the picture below.

                                                  Thank You For Your Patience & Understanding

                                                                   Have A Glorious Day

<<< WELCOME -- ONE -- AND -- ALL >>>